Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Church On Mission

     It has been over a year since I posted to this blog, yet my journey yesterday made me want to tell others what the Lord is doing in the Kharkov region through his church.  In the midst of war in the regions to the south, the body of Christ throughout Ukraine has awakened and is ministering "to the least of these."
     We (my friend Zhenya and I) made the trip to Balaklaya - the place where a team from Mississippi helped begin construction on a new church building last may for Grace church - and once again experienced a church truly on mission for God's glory!  This little church is providing housing for 23 refugees - 14 children and 9 adults, including one boy who is deaf.  Most are not yet followers of Jesus, but are experiencing his love daily, and soaking in his Word each Sunday.  
Pastor Viktor and Nadia 
     Pastor Viktor and his wife Nadia have adopted 14 children over the past 20 years, with 10 still living in their home.  They are living in housing provided by social services, but in anticipation of the time when they have fewer children, and will no longer be able to live in that house, they bought a house near Grace Church a couple of years ago.  It had not been lived in for years, and was/is in bad condition.  They planned on remodeling the house over the next 5 years or so as money was available, but our God, who knows the end from the beginning, had other plans!
     For the past 6 months, the house has been used for families displaced by the conflict in the regions to the south.  Step-by-step, the church has worked to make the house "livable" - getting electricity, water, and gas installed, redoing the bathroom, small appliances put in for the kitchen area, and trying to get the gas lines and heating system up to code for the winter ahead.  A family of 6 are staying with the pastor and his family, 4 are at the church, and the rest (13) are staying in this house.  The family at the church will join those 13 in the near future so the church will not have to heat 2 places when the weather turns cold.
Some of those being cared for by Grace Church
     None of the refugees are working because their documents were left in their homes in the conflict area.  Some of their husbands remained in their city to work if possible, and to protect their homes.  Grace Church has been providing everything they need to eat, diapers, clothes for the children, etc.  This is a really small church, where the members are primarily retired babushkas (grandmothers) or youth, yet the church members look at the list each time they meet and do whatever they can to meet the needs.
     Some of the women of this church have made quilts for years after being taught by Mennonite missionaries, who also provided them with sewing machines and materials.  While there, I asked Nadia about the quilts, wanting to buy some to give to other churches that need blankets for refugees.  She told me that their storage room, filled to overflowing with handmade quilts a year ago, is now empty, after they distributed all they had to those in need.  Then she said, "Come back in two weeks and we will have some for you, but you cannot buy them!  This is our ministry."  Before I return for the quilts, I will find out some of their needs for the refugees that can be purchased in Kharkov at a lower cost, and buy what I can with funds provided by Baptist Global Relief, and churches in the states.
     Please pray for Grace Church as they minister daily to those who do not yet know Jesus.  Ask the Lord to turn the hearts of each of the refugees to desire to know Him.  Intercede for their financial needs.  Tithes and offerings (most from pensioners who often receive less than $150 a month) have been used to make the house livable.  They have taken out a loan to buy a new heater for the house, and replace the flue.  With no idea of what natural gas prices are going to be this winter, due to the conflict and limited supplies of gas, the church is very concerned about being able to pay to heat the house…..but they continue to give, trusting our Faithful Father to provide!