Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Debt is Paid in Full

"And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors...." (Matthew 6:12) For weeks, the world has focused on the battle raging in the U.S. between Democrats and Republicans, "left" and "right" politicians to find some compromise that would keep the government, and our nation, from defaulting on our debts. The House voted last night to approve a measure that will go to the Senate today, and will probably be approved, that will "save" the nation one more time from closing down. So, we will simply agree to go more in debt, so we can keep paying the interest on old debts. I'm not an accountant, but it seems to me to be a never ending cycle that is simply ignoring facing the truth of our inability as a nation to pay our debts.
But as the U.S. and the world is seemingly breathing a sign of relief over what has transpired in the past 24 hours, I cannot help but think of the spiritual debt every single human being is born with.....a debt we can never pay, a debt for which we as a race seem to be content to continue to "raise the debt limit," rather than facing our spiritual bankruptcy. The Greek word for "debt" in Matthew 6:12 has the meaning of a debt for which payment is due, as well as an offense or sin for which payment must be made, and I rejoice today in knowing that my debt, and the debt of humankind, a debt which is much more than the trillions of dollars owed by the U.S., has been marked "paid in full" by the blood of Jesus Christ.
How it must grieve the heart of my Father as He watches the vast majority of the world ignore, or refuse the gift of His Son! Just as many were filled with a sense of urgency to get the debt ceiling raised in the U.S., I want to be filled with a sense of urgency for those outside my door who cling tightly to a debt of sin, a debt that will end in their destruction. I must tell them of the One who has already paid their debt, Who paid the price so that they might be free for all eternity. Father, let me not rest in the comfort of the extravagant love of Christ while the multitudes outside my door are perishing in the debt of sin.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Call to Me....

"Call to Me and I will answer you....." (Jeremiah 33:3a)

Today is Women's Day in many parts of the world. In Ukraine, it's a holiday complete with the giving of small gifts or candy or anything you might have on hand. For at least the last 3 or 4 years we have had a women's team here from the states during this time to gather Ukrainian women together for a special celebration of who they are in Christ. It's kind of strange not being with a couple of hundred women today, but the Lord is providing some fellowship through one of our Ukrainian sisters, Nina, and her granddaughter in a couple of hours.

I've lived in this region of the city (Saltavka) for the past 8 months, after living in the center of the city for 7 years. It's a bedroom community, and the block where my apartment is located probably is home to some 30,000 Ukrainians. I love it....but so far have not developed friendships with any of the women in this area. Oh, there is the "babuska brigade" that sits outside whenever the weather allows, and sometimes I sit with them, but so far the Lord has not opened the door for deeper relationships. Today, however, as I was taking Shadow for her afternoon walk, I found myself asking the Lord to give me some friends that live near me. It's not that I feel lonely. I am blessed with opportunities each week to have time with folks who are becoming friends, but they don't live in this area. But today that request just went up from my heart to the Lord.

I don't know why I still find myself surprised when He answers quickly. He's always faithful, and He always answers! But as I headed to my entry today, I heard someone calling "Linda....Linda." I turned around and there was one of the women from Grace Church that meets in the same building as New Hope. She lives in an apartment in the same building as mine, but for 8 months our paths have never crossed. She handed me a small package of cookies in celebration of Women's Day, and we both talked about needing to get together in the near future - now that we know we live so close. I told her that just a few minutes before, I had asked the Lord to give me some friends here, and then our paths crossed.

I'm just thankful today that the Lord is watching over what seem to be "the little things" in my life. Relationships here don't happen quickly.....most Ukrainians are guarded, and while they might say hello, it takes a long time (and the Lord) for things to go any deeper. But Jesus was all about relationships, and I believe that small prayer, and His answer, were reminders to me today that He is still at work in my life.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

All paths lead to ?????

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." (Matthew 7:13-14 NIV)

How often have we heard "all paths (or roads) lead to the same place?" As I looked out my window at all the paths worn dirty in the snow I was reminded how many different paths the world offers to those things that only the One True God can give. Love, joy, peace, hope, eternal life.....we can find advertisements and philosophies that all promise to deliver these things.

I have conversations often in the English club I help lead and in other venues with folks I know who cannot yet believe there is only one way! Surely the Lord has a way for those who are "good" people, but choose not to believe and follow Christ to enter into heaven! "Those gods of all the other religions surely will end up being the same God as Yahweh of the Bible! They are so sincere in their belief....they try so hard!" Yet His Word tells us there is only ONE path that will lead us to the fulfillment of all these promises - and to so much more - the path of Christ!

Who will stand at the crossroads and help each one who walks these paths find the right, true way? How often do I continue on in what I know through His Word to be the Way, yet never stop long enough to tell those who intersect my path that they are going the wrong way? Am I entering each day actively seeking those the Lord is going to bring across my path, hearts already prepared by the Holy Spirit to hear how loved they are by God? Lord, grant me the joy, the privilege, the opportunity to help someone this day find that narrow road that leads to You, and to life!