Friday, March 1, 2013

Gazing upon my Jesus!

Since returning to Kharkov in January, I've been using a book written by a friend to "jumpstart" my day - "Free to Thrive" by Andrea Lennon.  Today's scripture was from Psalm 25:15: "My eyes are ever on The Lord, for only he will release my feet from the snare."

Andrea defined gaze as fixing my eyes in a steady intent, to look often with eagerness and studious attention.

As I "fixed my eyes" on Jesus this morning, I was filled with a renewed determination to seek The Lord regardless of the outside "noise" in my day.

Jesus....I need to see not only your eyes, but your heart!  I MUST know you....yet even as I think I am chasing after you, you are waiting with open arms right here for me.  I choose to embrace you, embrace you, allow the beat of your heart to fill my ears, my mind, my heart - so that I will walk each and every step this day not as a zombie - mindlessly and mechanically following your will -  but as a child dancing after her father.....following the path you have placed my feet upon.....inhaling the sweet aroma of the Spirit as I run....running expectantly toward  the "prize" which is YOU, waiting with arms when I "seek and find" YOU!

"This is the air I breathe.....this is the air I breathe…..
your holy presence, living in me!"

This is my daily bread...........This is my daily bread
Your very word......................Spoken to me

And I ... I'm desperate for you.........And I ... I'm lost without you

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