How often have we heard "all paths (or roads) lead to the same place?" As I looked out my window at all the paths worn dirty in the snow I was reminded how many different paths the world offers to those things that only the One True God can give. Love, joy, peace, hope, eternal life.....we can find advertisements and philosophies that all promise to deliver these things.
I have conversations often in the English club I help lead and in other venues with folks I know who cannot yet believe there is only one way! Surely the Lord has a way for those who are "good" people, but choose not to believe and follow Christ to enter into heaven! "Those gods of all the other religions surely will end up being the same God as Yahweh of the Bible! They are so sincere in their belief....they try so hard!" Yet His Word tells us there is only ONE path that will lead us to the fulfillment of all these promises - and to so much more - the path of Christ!
Who will stand at the crossroads and help each one who walks these paths find the right, true way? How often do I continue on in what I know through His Word to be the Way, yet never stop long enough to tell those who intersect my path that they are going the wrong way? Am I entering each day actively seeking those the Lord is going to bring across my path, hearts already prepared by the Holy Spirit to hear how loved they are by God? Lord, grant me the joy, the privilege, the opportunity to help someone this day find that narrow road that leads to You, and to life!
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